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Text 25370 for next bus information

Posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 09:17 AM

Wondering when your bus will arrive? Now you can receive next bus information through text message.

Simply text “YRT” and your four-digit bus stop number to 25370 (e.g., YRT ####). Real-time information for the next few buses due at your stop will be sent back to you. Remember to Include a space between YRT and your bus stop number.

You can also receive next bus information through one of the following ways:

Email: Email with your four-digit bus stop number as the subject line.  


Twitter: We're updating #RiderAlert to #YRTAlert

Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2023 01:00 AM

Follow us on Twitter using #YRTAlert for real-time service updates

Many of you follow us on Twitter to stay in the know of what's going on with YRT and most importantly, receive real-time service information to help you plan your trip. This is important to us and we will continue to provide you with the best travel experience we can.

Currently, travellers can follow @yrtviva on Twitter using #RiderAlert for service updates. Starting today, we will instead be using #YRTAlert for service update Tweets....

Hooray, tap with Interac Debit to ride transit

You can now pay your YRT fare with credit and debit

Posted on Tuesday, May 02, 2023 01:25 PM

Metrolinx is making it easier to travel on transit by expanding PRESTO contactless payment to all local 905 transit agencies. Effective Tuesday, May 2, 2023, York Region Transit (YRT) travellers can pay their fare using debit card, in addition to credit card.

With PRESTO contactless payment travellers can tap their debit or credit card, or mobile wallet on their phone or watch, on a PRESTO device to pay their YRT fare. A cash fare of $4.25 will be charged and a two-hour transfer is automatically...